Looking for answers? This is the right section for you. In the FAQs we try to answer the most frequently asked questions.
General Questions
Answer: Yes, the software is open source and licensed under MIT. Infrastructure costs and dedicated support are excluded.
Answer: You can visit our official page on OpenCollection. Thank you for every dollar/euro!
Usage/Installation Questions
Answer: No, but it can always be used as a complementary system pending version 2. Currently, it is used in some African hospitals that need an offline-first solution. We recommend using it through Docker.
Answer: Production environment is a term used mostly by developers to describe the setting where software and other products are actually put into operation for their intended uses by end users.
Answer: Yes, the installation system will be partly different. However, we will provide a data export/import system.
Answer: The software also works without any Internet connection. However, it is recommended to connect the computer to the Internet to automatically synchronize the database data.
Support Question
Answer: You can visit our Slack channel or email us. You can find all the details on the contact page.
Answer: For bugs you can open a report on GitHub, otherwise you can visit our Slack channel or email us.